Olubenga AKIOGBEさん(ナイジェリア)Research Topics:Social Systems Research for Mobile Health Promotion in Developing Countries
Dr. Tomohiro Makino (Working at a pharmaceutical company)Obtained PhD in March 2019 (early acquisition 2.5 years)Research Topics:Research on business models suitable for precision therapy and precision medicine
Dr. Fumio Teramae (Working at a pharmaceutical company)Obtained PhD in March 2021 (early acquisition 2 years)Research Topics:Research on global strategy in the pharmaceutical industry (from the perspective of R & D activities)
Dr. Nobuki HashiguchiObtained PhD in March 2021 (early acquisition 2 years)Research Topics:A Survey on the Effects of Psychological Factors on Perceptions of Productivity in Construction Sites in Japan by Worker Age
Dr. Mohamed Farid (Government-Sponsored International Student, Egypt)Obtained PhD in September 2020Research Topics:Discovering the factors affecting the readiness of youth to consume genetically edited food in Japan
Dr. Arisa Djurian (Working at a pharmaceutical company)Obtained PhD in March 2022Research Topics:Health economics research on open innovation in anticancer drug development
Dr. Makoto Niwa (Working at a pharmaceutical companies)Research Topics:System dynamics study on the effectiveness and penetration of information communication technology needed under the new infectious disease epidemic
Jianfei CAOResearch Topics:Research on new technology acceptance of mobile health
Kentaro Yashiro (Working at a pharmaceutical company)Research Topics:A Study on Innovation Search Methods and Capabilities Affecting R&D Productivity in R&D-Oriented Firms
Itsuki KageyamaResearch Topics:Research on Health and Safety Management of Workers with Wearable Devices and IoT Devices