Kentaro Yashiro (Working at a pharmaceutical company)

Research Topics:A Study on Innovation Search Methods and Capabilities Affecting R&D Productivity in R&D-Oriented Firms
brief personal recordMar 2005 Graduated from Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering, RU11 University
Mar 2007 Completed Master's program, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, RU11 University
Mar 2021 Completed Master's program, Graduate School of Management, private university
Apr 2022 Admission to the Doctoral program, Graduate School of Technology Management, Ritsumeikan University
Mar 2007 Completed Master's program, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, RU11 University
Mar 2021 Completed Master's program, Graduate School of Management, private university
Apr 2022 Admission to the Doctoral program, Graduate School of Technology Management, Ritsumeikan University
I believe that continuous innovation is the lifeline of an R&D-oriented company. In particular, I would like to gain new insights into the success factors of open innovation, which is a co-creative activity between firms, from a knowledge-based viewpoint. We are therefore examining the characteristics of the flow of innovation seeds, technologies, etc., using network analysis and other methods.
Reasons for choosing Kodama Lab
I want to deepen my understanding of innovation creation through research from a technology management perspective. I chose Kodama Lab because they are engaged in interdisciplinary research on open innovation in the healthcare field, which fits my research interests.