2021.04.26A joint research partner’s paper has been published in Sustainability (IF: 3.251).
2021.03.24A joint paper partner’s paper has been puclished in Sustainability (IF: 3.251).
2021.03.07D2, Dr. Teramae and Mr. Hashiguchi has officially been accepted for doctoral degrees!
2021.02.04I was appointed as a Special Issue Editor for Sustainability (IF: 3.251).
2021.01.20The research plan at the EHESS France-Japan Foundation in France has published to the public.
2021.01.15I was appointed as Special Issue Editor of International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IF: 3.390).
2021.01.13D1, Mr. CAO’s paper was published in Global Journal of Health Science (IF: 1.41).
2020.12.26D2, Mr. Hashiguchi’s paper was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IF: 3.390).
2020.11.21Contribution paper “Comparison of Advantages and Bottlenecks of Drug Modality” was published in the PHARMSTAGE’s Octover issues.
2020.11.02Our joint research partner’s research presentation received the Encouragement Award at the 32nd Annual Conference on Environmental Systems Measurement and Control!